Case study
Asda Clapham

Client:Asda Clapham
Project:Heating system revamp
Services:Plumbing, Heating, Electrical, BMS, Ventilation
This project involved us in a complete revamp of the existing heating system at Asda Clapham.
As it stood, the store was not meeting required temperature levels – a problem that has now been fully corrected via work that will keep the heating system operating at optimum efficiency for years to come

Services included:
New AC VRV system installed in staff canteen
New ductwork installed throughout the sales floor
Duct insulation replaced on the roof
Replacement of boiler system within plant room including new heating supplies to AHUs
Replacement of water heater
Installation of new heat reclaim system for refrigeration
Gas main upgraded entirely
New door heaters installed
New BMS control panel
New temperature mapping system installed
AHU repairs to existing units